Monday, December 13, 2010
To the next Seeing Sideways class...

I will remember this class as one of the best I have taken at IUPUI. My only advice: However odd or uncomfortable you may feel... run with it. This class not only helped my creativity, but on a personal level it reaffirmed where I was going in my career and what I want to do when I grow up.

The atmosphere of the class was one of a kind and I really wish it was like that in more of my classes. This is one of those classes you actually don't want to miss class.

Highlights of the semester:
  • people in boxes
  • distraction animals
  • pink poster board Keanu Reeves
  • iPumpkin
  • madlibs
  • paper octopus
You will have your own unique and amazing journey though Seeing Sideways. Hold on tight, it's going to be a wild ride!

Follow Dara on her long and insane journey though Seeing Sideways. Will she ever find the elusive Ninja Egg? Stay tuned to find out.

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